When you purchase the service, a dedicated broker will help you formulate a strategy and budget to try to acquire your domain.

1. You get a dedicated domain broker.

2. The domain broker works the deal for you.

They go to work with the domain owner, trying to get you the lowest possible price. (Don't worry, your identity remains confidential.)

3.The domain is securely transferred to your account.

If the owner agrees to the sale, you'll pay the negotiated sale price plus a 20% commission. Then the domain is securely transferred to you. GingerBoost handles all the steps of the transaction, giving you peace of mind.

We'll help you find the perfect domain

Finding the perfect domain name can sometimes be difficult,

but our Brokerage Team can get you the right one to propel

your brand forward. We have millions of domains for sale, so

you have no shortage of options.
